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2020 Alumni Chapter Scholarship
The Richmond Area Chapter of the North Carolina A&T Alumni Association is offering three scholarships for current students and incoming freshmen from the Richmond-Petersburg area (and surrounding counties). Scholarship applications must be postmarked or emailed no later than May 26, 2020. Selection for the scholarships will be complete by June 16, 2020 and scholarship announcements will be made by June 23, 2020. The Chapter is awarding one $1000 scholarship to an incoming freshman, one $1000 scholarship to a current student, and an additional $500 scholarship to an applicant from either of the two categories. We look forward to your submission and being able to assist you with your college costs! Aggie Pride!
To make a donation to the
Richmond Alumni Scholarship:
High School Seniors Application
Current Students Application
Congratulations again to our 2019 Recipients
Nadia Fitz, Tamara Smith, Jade Smith, and Haley Winstead
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